Biomedical Research Institute

BRI Offers Custom Solutions to Your Biorepository and Biobanking Needs. Secure, Cost-effective and Timesaving Storage of Your Biomaterials.

The Biomedical Research Institute (BRI) is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit research company committed to improving global health through a variety of research and service activities. For more than 40 years, with the financial support of the NIH, our mission has been to reduce the global health burden imposed by infectious diseases of the developing world, including schistosomiasis, a deadly parasitic disease. Schistosomiasis is responsible for 250,000 deaths annually, while also causing significant morbidity primarily in sub-Saharan Africa, China, the Philippines and parts of South America.

Biomedical Research Institute

Schistosomiasis Resource Center

The Schistosomiasis Resource Center (SRC) at BRI is a National Institutes of Health- supported production and supply laboratory that provides schistosomiasis research reagents free of charge to scientists and students throughout the U.S. and the international research community. Schistosomiasis is an infectious disease caused by a parasitic worm with a life cycle dependent upon freshwater snails living in the tropical areas of the world. The SRC supplies infected snail and rodent hosts as well as frozen and viable parasite eggs, adult worms, schistosomula and cercariae of three major Schistosoma spp. life cycles: S.haematobium (Egyptian), S. japonicum (Philippine and Chinese) and S.mansoni (NMRI and PR1).

- Biomedical Research Institute
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Biomedical Research Institute

Biorepository Services

BRI has close to 70 years of experience in cryobiology. The organization pioneered the cryopreservation of bovine semen and human blood products which is the foundation of modern day in vitro fertilization for agricultural purposes and storage of blood products, respectively. BRI has provided researchers and institutions around the world with low temperature storage space for medical specimens. Our capabilities to store and distribute precious biomaterials help speed research and hasten the discovery of cures and treatments.